Ladies Invitational – Members & Guests
Social (members and non-members)
Our annual Ladies Invitational is scheduled for Tuesday August 24 and the theme this year is “Love
Boat”. The Invitational is a fabulous event that starts late morning with refreshments served and
features fun contests, special holes, and loads of door prizes. It is also the LPC’s largest single event of
the year and typically draws more than 100 players.
The LPC is hopeful that the Invitational will go forward in 2021. This event is a major highlight of our
season and a ton of fun so do not hesitate to invite your friends! Registration information to follow.
Budget / Finances Suzanne Proulx 613-837-6962 613-850-9076
Sponsorships Lorraine Beaubien 613-573-0130 613-790-1986
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