Men’s Senior Championship 2022
TOURNAMENT DATE: July 23 & 24, 2022
FORMAT: Medal Play, two rounds (gross and net)
ELIGIBILITY: All male members 55 years of age or older on or before the tournament date.
RULES: RCGA and local rules
TEE MARKERS: The course will be set up to play between 6000 and 6200 yards (green markers).
SCORING: Medal play (gross and net)
TIES: Sudden-death playoff
PRIZE DISTRIBUTION: At the end of the tournament.
2021 CHAMPION: Gaston Payer
OTHER: The winner will be named to the men’s senior intersectional team and will be eligible to represent the club at the OVGA Tournament of Champions.
For those who register for the Senior Intersectional Qualifying, this tournament can also count towards the point totals for your 2 of 4 rounds. Refer to Senior Intersectional Qualifying sign-up notes for more detail.
ENTRY FEE: $20.00 per player
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Tuesday July 5, 2022, at 9pm
REGISTRATION SIGN-UP: You may register on-line from home or on sign-up sheets available in the Men’s locker room and Pro-Shop
TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR: Stan Horton 613-240-6234
Brian Arial 613-824-5344
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