Super Scramble #3 (Ironman)
October 15, 2022
Entry fee $220 per team. $55 per player
Tee Markers: Assorted
Pick your own 4-person team/ You must have a minimum total handicap index of 36, top 2 minimum 10 combined. Official Handicap required
PRIZES for every 6-hole Format and Total combined
Full Rules to be published prior to start
Typically: Scramble format
6 holes from White tees
6 holes from Green Tees
6 holes From Black
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Tuesday Oct 4th, 2022.
Please pay the entry fee to your captain
Wager on teams will take place in the pro shop building.
Minimum age required is 18 years old for this tournament.
Prizes: TBD
For info contact: Yves Brunet 613-608-3183
Brian Arial 613-824-5344
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